12” X 12'“

Ink, on Wood Panel


Private Collection

This small piece was created for Thinkspace Projects group show at Scope for their 2020 virtual exhibition at Miami Basel entitled The Price of Everything and the Value of Nothing. Conceptually artists were asked to comment on the art world at large or to take a classic painting reworked in their own way. I chose the later and riffed on Rene Magritte’s “The Lovers” setting it in the modern day during the current global pandemic with bandana masks instead of bags over the faces of the figures. This doubles as a portrait of my wife and I, in the knowledge that we actually met, fell in love, and married during the lockdown. (Love in the time of Covid). We are frequently out at the grocery store or an errand, masked up as such, and still feeling the pull of intimacy through the folds of fabric as are so many during this strange time.